
Why is My Car Jerking?

Last Updated on June 21, 2021

The car engine is the heart of any vehicle. Any slight issue from one of the engine parts can make the car to cause a number of problems. Drivers normally stake some problems lightly and this shouldn’t be the case as it can leader to costly repairs and maintenance.

Why is your car jerking?

When your car jerks, this means that there is an issue that is causing it to-do-so. Some of the things that make your car to jerk have been discussed further as follows:

Bad alignment

Even though most of the jerk a car experiences are from motor and engine, a bad tire alignment can make the car jerk or pull. The first thing to do is such a situation is to ensure that your tires are aligned properly. Also, the pressure in the tires should be done the right way so that there is no misalignment.

Bad car injectors

A bad fuel injector is one of the major causes of car jerking. Fuel injectors get dirty and stop performing as needed. This is because when the injector gets dirty, smooth flow and supply of fuel into your engine is tempered with. As a result, an insufficient amount of fuel in your vehicle engine can lead to car jerk as you try to accelerate the vehicle.

Dirty in the fuel filter

Another major cause of car jerking is dirty fuel filters. Fuel filters are meant to trap dirt particles in the fuel. But after some time, the dirt becomes accumulated and makes the car to jerk when being accelerated. The best thing to do is to clear all the dirt from the fuel filter and clean it up. It is possible that you won’t experience the jerk again. Also, you should not wait the dirt to accumulate but clean the fuel filters regularly.

Blockage in the engine

When there is a blockage in the engine, the car will jerk. Also, a blockage can cause the check engine light to illuminate on your car. A blockage normally prevents the gasses from coming out as they are needed. And as a result, they cause the car to jerk when being accelerated. Ensure that the blockage in the engine is removed to stop the jerking.

A moist distributor cap

This is one of the major causes of car jerking during cold seasons or in cold climates. This takes place because the distributor cap could accumulate moist, which in return brings an imbalance to the engine. So, when the engine is not even, then you should anticipate it to misfire as you accelerate your vehicle. The best solution to prevent this is by parking indoors where the conditions are a bit warmer instead of outside.

A fault in the spark plug

Bad spark plugs or spark plug wires can be another cause of car jerking. The work of the spark plugs is to deliver electric current to our ignition system. So, if the spark plugs have an issue igniting your engine’s fuel and air mixture, car jerk will be the result. Replace the spark plugs if they are damaged or not function well. But if they are current, check the spark plug wires.

Motor winding

Wear of the motor’s winding can make the car to jerk. This is mostly brought about by the engine being put under a lot of stress via hard acceleration. The car jerks if your vehicle has more than one winding and one of them is broken.

A faulty carburetor

When the carburetor is damaged, it can cause your car to jerk and perform bad as well. The work of the carburetor is to regulate and blend the ideal amount and perfect ratio of fuel and air as it flows into the car engine cylinders for proper fuel combustion. But when the carburetor is bad, it affects the balance in the fuel air mixture, which leads to car jerking.

Summary of Contents

Kevin Nicholas is an automotive technician who is a genius at software and hardware-related issues. He manually tested more than a hundred OBD scanners and gave his honest opinion on whether the device was worth the money or not. His in-depth OBD review articles help people choose the right product, whether it is a European, American, or Asian vehicle. He completed his Automotive Specialized Training Course at Universal Technical Institute and has more than 15 years of experience in the field.

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