Code U010c

Trouble code U010c: Fix Turbocharger/Supercharger control module

Last Updated on May 19, 2022

If you are a car owner, you must learn about the OBD 2 scanner. This onboard diagnosis is mainly used to find the problem in your car. This scanner is self-diagnostic, second-generation equipment that helps show the car’s concern with the help of light on the car screen. And the code U010c is a trouble code for this OBD2 scanner. So if you own a car, I think you need to know about the details of this code.

What is the meaning of the U010c Code?

U010c code=Lost communication with turbocharger/supercharger control module

A generic communication system uses a diagnostic trouble code, which primarily applies in the OBD 2 scanner attached to the vehicle. This U010c code mainly shows the communication problem or no communication with the turbocharger or supercharger control module A (TSCM-A) with another module in the car. And this creates a problem in the control area network bus also.

Lost Communication With TurbochargerThe modulus is connected over a network system in the vehicle, just like a network at your home or work. The most common network system in the car seen in 2004 is called Controller area network, CAN bus communications, or CAN bus. And without the CAN bus, the total internal networking system cannot exchange data with each other and depend on which circuit is affected. You can find the Turbocharger or supercharger control module on the bulkhead or fender well. This TSCM receives the data from different sensors and some hardwired data directly. And most of the information is transferred over the bus communication with the help of the Powertrain Control Module or PCM.

This data is mainly used to control the turbocharger to produce bypasses or boost or diesel applications. But sometimes, operate the turbocharger like a heat riser valve that increases the temperature in any condition. That’s why the malfunction of this module depends on the manufacturer, and it’s also changing the type of communication system, wire number, and wire color.

What is the symptom of the code U010c?u010c dodge cummins

You see some symptoms in the code you show on the car screen. Like:

  1. MIL or Malfunction Indicator light is “ON,”
  2. The engine shows a lack of power,
  3. When the engine heats up, it starts to knock the acceleration, but it may run in the cold.
  4. When the engine is cold, it won’t start or run.

What is the reason behind this U010c trouble code?

This problem happens for some reason. Like:

  1. CAN bus circuit has short to ground or ground problem,
  2. Open circuit problem in CAN bus,
  3. The absence of power or ground in the TSCM-A,
  4. Poor or damaged control module.

How to diagnose the code U010c?

Diagnosis of the problem of U010c also takes a few steps. You need to follow them. And starting with a great plan will make sure you get the problem quickly. 

  1. The fast and easy way to find the problem is to get help from technical service bulletins or TSBs. You can find the problem and the solution from all the information you get from the TSB’s data.
  2. If you have a code reader, you can use this to find DTC problems. 
  3. If you only get code U010c, try to get in the TSCM-A. Then you can find whether the problem is related to the TSCM-A or not.
  4. Examine the power or ground of the turbocharger or supercharger control module.

These are the primary diagnosis process to find the problem from the OBD2 scanner. But do every step carefully. Sometimes misdiagnosis leads you to additional trouble. 

What is the repair process of the U010c?

The repair of the code U010c starts with the help of TSBs. This contains all the detailed information about your car. So that when you go through the TSBs data, you can easily find the problem and solve the issue. That’s why most of the time, the technician used to get help from these TSBs.

Then if you have a code reader in your vehicle, you can go through all the code and find the problem. If the issue is related to DTCs, then the bus has a problem in communication with the battery. So when you got a problem, then solve it. But don’t make a mistake in diagnosing the problem. 

  • Recheck TSCM-A

If the code gets from another module, try to examine the TSCM-A. When you access this code, find the problem of U010c from the memory code. But if you don’t see it on the transfer control module, the problem of U010c is located in the other module, and it’s still running.

  • Fix common problem

Sometimes the problem is related to a common fault resulting from loss of power or ground in the turbocharger or supercharger control module. That’s why check all the fuses that were supplying the first, locate the power and ground of the TSCM, .then check all connection that is tight and clean or not. Sometimes poorly connected connections are a big reason for this OBD trouble code. Try to repair or replace the connection of these connectors. You can easily do it by yourself. You need a small wire brush and baking soda or normal water. Then clean the connectors with that.

  • Check the CAN bus

If you repair the connectors, they clear the system’s memory entirely and check the code pop up again or not. If the code didn’t pop up, then the problem was solved. But the code pop up again, then you need to check the entire CAN bus to find the problem if it’s located in the network. The TSCM-A is situated under the bulkhead or the fender well in the CAN-A bus. To repair the problem, disconnect the battery and then unplug the connectors of the TSCM-s. When you locate the connector, get visual inception into this. Look for scraping, brew res, rubbing, melted plastic, or any burn spot in the connectors.

Now remove the connectors carefully and examine the terminals inside the connectors of the TSCM-A. If you find any fault or green tint of corrosion, it needs to be cleaned up. You can clear this place with any electrical contact cleaner or plastic brush to clean the terminals contact.

  • Volt measurement

Now before connecting the TSCM-A with the battery, make some voltage checks. A digital voltmeter is handy there and using this, and you can verify the power and ground of the TSCM-A. Just locate the gain access from the wiring diagram and determine where it comes from. Now reconnect the battery again with TSCM-A. Directly connect the red lead with the voltmeter in each B+ supply connector. Then black lead with the ground of the TSCM-A. Now take the reading from the voltmeter and find whether the ground is perfect or not. Again, hook the red lead with the battery positive and attach the black lead with each ground. Then recheck the battery voltage connection. Now repair the power and ground circuit of the TSCM-A if you face any problem in the module.Current and voltage measurements

Next, you need to check the two communication circuits, CAN C+ and CAN C-. Now attach the ground with the black lead and redone with the CAN C+. keep the engine off and take the voltmeter value. The value is about 2.6 volts and also slightly fluctuates. Then change the connection with CAN-C+ to CAN C- in the red lead. If you also get approximately 2.4 volts and also slightly fluctuate there. So if the code passes the taste, then it’s okay, and you solve the problem. But if all the exams pass, but you get the code, again and again, the problem is not solved. You need to consult with a professional. I think only that can help you to fix the problem.


To solve the code, U010c needs only one hour of labor. And the cost is also not very high, only 75$ to 150$. This is a minor problem in the engine. You face some disturbance at the start of the engine. But you can easily use your vehicle. I’ll suggest you solve the problem as soon as possible.

Kevin Nicholas is an automotive technician who is a genius at software and hardware-related issues. He manually tested more than a hundred OBD scanners and gave his honest opinion on whether the device was worth the money or not. His in-depth OBD review articles help people choose the right product, whether it is a European, American, or Asian vehicle. He completed his Automotive Specialized Training Course at Universal Technical Institute and has more than 15 years of experience in the field.

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